Tuesday, May 06, 2008

I am a Liberal!

Yup, that's right, I am an unabashed, unashamed Classical Liberal.

Classical liberalism (also known as traditional liberalism[1] and laissez-faire liberalism,[2] or, in much of the world, simply called liberalism) is a doctrine stressing individual freedom and limited government. This includes the importance of human rationality, individual property rights, natural rights, the protection of civil liberties, constitutional limitations of government, free markets, and individual freedom from restraint as exemplified in the writings of Adam Smith, John Stuart Mill,[3] Montesquieu, Voltaire,[4] Thomas Paine and others. As such, it is seen as the fusion of economic liberalism with political liberalism.[2] The "normative core" of classical liberalism is the idea that laissez-faire economics will bring about a spontaneous order or invisible hand that benefits the society,[5] though it does not necessarily oppose the state's provision of a few basic public goods.[6]

Unfortunately, the term liberal has been highjacked by those who are not (Classical) liberals at all. I refuse to give up the term.

Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, in order to assure the survival and the success of liberty. President John F. Kennedy, Inagural Address.


Anonymous said...

So, what would you have advised FDR when he was elected persident in the fall of 1932, if you were hired as his key domestic advisor? What should he have done?

Jarrod J. Williamson, Ph.D. said...

I think I would have recommended doing the same thing that FDR did.