Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Contientious Objectors to War

I am watching the war in Afghanistan and Iraq unfold and what I find really disturbing is the lack of a loyal opposition by those who oppose the war in Afghanistan and Iraq.

I see many people who suffer from moral confusion (or moral retardation)and actually accuse an American president of being a terrorist and American war in the Middle East as being evil. Yet, all the while, they are completely silent about the evil that is being perpetrated by those who want to kill us all.

I do not believe these people are actually loyal to America but opposed to war because they think it is evil. They ignore the story of Desmond Doss, the only Contientious Objector in WWII to win the Congressional Medal of Honor.

You can read his story at:

In short, Doss believed it was always wrong to kill another human being, and he just did not have it in him to take another human life. Yet, while inducted into the Army, he was willing and happy to go and serve his country and fellow man. While he believed it was wrong to kill, he was willing to serve as an unarmed medic on the front lines of the war in the pacific. While in boot camp, his fellow soldiers believed he was a coward and tormented him, often throwing their boots at him at night while they slept in the bunk house. Not only would these men wake up in the morning to find their boots polished by the very man they assaulted, but Doss was also the same man who risked his life over and over to save theirs while on the battlefield.

There really is no excuse for not at least being a loyal opposition for those of you who believe the War On Terror. Doss served in a war, WWII, that is as morally clear as our current war on terror. He served his fellow man and was regarded by his men as as icon of gallantry and honor.

I strongly recommend the documentary about his life, The Contientious Objector, found at:

Monday, July 04, 2005

It is faith alone that saves, but saving faith is never found alone!

When we get to know Christ, as is our privilege to know Him,
our lives will be lives of continual obedience.

Many people are confused as to the relationship between faith and works? I know I was when I was becoming a Christian.

Just how is one saved? “Believe in Jesus” is the common response. But how does one believe in Jesus? Is this an act of sheer spiritual willpower? Do you just force yourself to believe? Do I just grit my teeth and clench my fists and make myself believe the Bible?

I remember asking this question, “What does one do to believe in Jesus?” I was told as a response, “Give your heart to Jesus.” “How do I give me heart to Jesus?” I asked. “Come to the foot of the cross,” was the response. Frustrated with the metaphors, I asked “How do I come to the foot of the cross?” The circular answer was, “Give your heart to Jesus.” I am an engineer and like things concretely defined. Answering my questions with metaphors, much less a circle of metaphors, frustrates me to no end.

So, finally, after years thought, reflection, and advise from trusted counselors, I have come up with the following outline. Please forgive any theological nuances, as I am not a professional theologian.

1. All human beings (save Christ, the Eternal Son of God) are born sinners with a sinful nature that separates us from God. Even though a baby might be too young to willfully sin, they are still born with a sinful nature. In other words, it is your sinful nature that gives rise to sins. Your sins do not make you a sinner, they are just the evidence. As a result, we all need to be saved. This was accomplished through Christ's atoning, substitutionary death on the cross. (cf. Rom. 3:23 - 26)

2. Salvation is, and has always been, by grace through faith alone in the work and Person of Jesus Christ alone. I.e., salvation has always been through the gospel. In OT times they did not know the coming Redeemer by the name "Jesus Christ," but they knew the gospel in some form or fashion. (cf. Heb. 3:1 - 4:2) [I am not a dispensationalist.]

3. Grace means "unmerited favor." Faith means "trust, based on evidence, that result in action." As for the relationship between faith and works, John Calvin hit the nail on the head I think when he said "It is faith alone that saves, but the faith that saves is never found alone." That, in my opinion, is the best one-line resolution between Paul (cf. Rom 3:20) and James (Jas 2:24).

4. Salvation consists of three things: (a) Justification, (b) Sanctification, and (c) Glorification.

(a) Justification -- is going from being a condemned sinner to a saved sinner. It is the righteousness of Christ, none of our own, put to our account. In other words, it is Christ's imputed righteousness. It's function is to save us into heaven. It is obtained by grace through faith alone in the work and Person of Jesus Christ alone.

(b) Sanctification -- is typically called "spiritual maturity" nowadays. In short, it is growth in Christ, by the power of the Holy Spirit, wherein, among other things, we overcome our sinful habits and we (hopefully) sin less and less as we become more spiritually mature. It is the righteousness of Christ, none of our own. It is the imparted righteousness of Christ. It's function is to bring glory to God (i.e., "so that they might see your good works and glorify your father in heaven"). It is obtained by grace through faith alone in the work and Person of Jesus Christ alone.

We do not earn salvation by our obedience; for salvation is the free gift of God, to be received by faith. But obedience is the fruit of faith. Hence, I strive to keep the Ten Commandments for this reason, i.e., as the result of my salvation, not the cause of my salvation.

(c) Glorification -- Is when Christ returns, raises the dead in Christ and takes both the raised and living saints to heaven in our immortal bodies. It is obtained by grace through faith alone in the work and Person of Jesus Christ alone.

Or, in short, Justification is freedom from sin's condemnation, Sanctification is freedom from sin's power, and Glorification is freedom from sin's presence ... all of which are accomplished by grace through faith alone in the work and Person of Jesus Christ alone. I can no more raise my self from the dead by my own efforts than I can justify or sanctify myself by my own efforts.

5. Lastly, how is this faith obtained? Do we just force ourselves to trust, gritting our teeth and clenching our hands? No! I like the following explanation.

Faith is a gift. It is not something you work on or work up. It is a gift of the Holy Spirit. Faith is not spiritual wishful thinking, or forcing yourself to believe by sheer willpower and turning off the intellect. Faith is trust, based on evidence, that results in action. Faith in Christ is trust in Christ, based on evidence, that results in action.

However, even though faith is a gift, is there any role the individual plays in faith? Yes, and here is the analogy I like (albeit it is imperfect):

How does one get to trust anyone? By getting to know them. And if that person is trustworthy, all you have to do is get to know them, and you cannot help but to trust them. Similarly, if that person is untrustworthy, all you gotta do is get to know them, and you cannot help but to not trust them. And one thing I find in my Bible is the premise that Jesus Christ is absolutely trustworthy.

So, how does one get to have faith (trust) Jesus? By getting to know Him. How does one get to know Jesus? Just like with anyone else. You talk to them. They talk to you, And you go out and do things together. You will then get to know them. How does one talk to Jesus? Prayer. How does Jesus talk to you? Bible study. How do you go out and do things together? Christian fellowship, church, mission activity, etc.

Or, as one of my favorite pastor's puts it: Prayer, fellowship, and tell someone else what you got out of the first two.