Some commentators are trying to pan off Obama's comments as not being related to the post on the official DNC website which referred to Palin as a pig. After all, they argue, hardly anyone, including Obama, knew about this post.
Problem is, Obama's entire Palin/pig commentary was scripted from prior stolen material. It was stolen word for word from Tom Toles September 5 Washington Post political cartoon.
Here is Obama's commentary:
John McCain says he's about change too. Exce- and and so I guess his whole angle is - watch out, George Bush - except for economic policy, healthcare policy, tax policy, education policy, foreign policy, and Karl-Rove-style politics, we're really gonna shake things up in Washington.
That's not change.
That's that's just callin' sumpin' the same thing somethin' different.
But you know, you can't, you know, you you can put, ah, lipstick on a pig, it's still a pig.
Now here is the cartoon:
Obama's comments were scripted from prior (stolen) material word for word, just like his essentially calling Palin a pig comment.
The Palin/pig post up at the DNC website was dated Aug. 30th, while the cartoon he copied from was dated Sept. 5th. Both are within a week of each other and it is obvious Obama was trolling for ideas from everywhere.
That's why the audience laughed; they knew what was going on.
Problem is, everyone else knows what is going on and now amount of backpeddling or spin is going to change it.
I'm sorry, did you just declare yourself a Democrat and then use the rest of the post to attack your party's candidate? It's the people like you that only follow what the media say about the candidates that let President Bush be elected twice. If you think Obama's a sexist for a comment, then vote for McCain. Or an independent.
It is your job, as an eligible voter, to find out what all the candidates stand for, then pick the one you think would be the best for the country. Regardless of the candidate's race, gender or religion. Instead, you seem to be letting the media tell you who to vote for. And that's a shame.
Dr. Williamson, have you seen this? also had a wire post on the lipstick comment and the history of it.
I hope you add them to your politics diet. They're a good nonpartisan source.
I'm sorry, did you just declare yourself a Democrat and then use the rest of the post to attack your party's candidate?
Yes, I sure did. I am a liberal too. Here is some documentation if you like I am a Liberal
I am a JFK-MLK (Classical) Liberal Democrat. I held these values my entire life. I was called a Liberal Democrat at the time. I still hold these same values, and now the Democrats say I know longer belong. I am not the one who has changed.
The term Liberal has been kidnapped by Leftists, and my beloved party has been taken over by these same Leftists.
Obama is one of them, and I will not vote for him.
I have a lot of friends with crazy ideas, but no one, I mean no one, I associate with would hand around and be mentored by a guy like Jeremiah Wright.
Or even be willing to be in the same room with a guy like Bill Ayers, a guy who associated with those, and advocated, the bombing of American buildings that would kill police officers, federal employees, etc. (despite Ayers feigned current comments to the contrary).
These are NOT the values of Rev. Dr. King Jr. and these are NOT the values of John F. Kennedy.
My party has been hijacked.
It's the people like you that only follow what the media say about the candidates that let President Bush be elected twice.
No, it is people within the Democratic party, who sat a scumbag like Michael Moore in a place of honor during John Kerry's nomination acceptance speech, that drove many decent Americans to vote for Bush.
BTW, I apologize for the poor spelling. Using terms like "know" instead of "no", etc. I am a bit dyslexic and have a hard time catching this stuff unless I re-read 8-9 times.
An Adventist Democrat? I didn't know there was such a thing! Anyway, I just started a Christian blog and was hoping you might check it out and leave a comment. I'm trying to establish an Adventist network in the blogosphere. Thanks :-)
Jackson also reportedly said on Tuesday that Obama needs to be bolder in his stances if he wants to make inroads in South Carolina. Obama trails rival Sen. Hillary Clinton in South Carolina by 18 points, according to a recent LA Times/Bloom berg poll.s very simple," Mike Sims, director,News and Operations for told me. "We have our Rules of Engagement. They prohibit personal attacks, especially racist attacks. Stories about Obama have been problematic, and we won't tolerate it."
Opinion Leader
It's Good Video.
The original appeared Sept. 5 and the copy on Aug. 30??? Are you sure you have your facts straight?
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