Thursday, March 27, 2008

Upcoming Topics

In the next few days I will be posting my thought both on the California Homeschooling situation, as well as the Jeremiah Wright situation with its implications about my voting for Barack Obama for president.

While I do not like the CA homeschooling decision that came out in the casde of Rachel L., I think many in the Christian community are mischaracterizing the situation. I recently head statements by Dr. James Dopbson and read an article by Mr Chuck Norris (or martial arts fame, and whose former home in Tustin, CA I lived in for 2 years) on that, while I agree with their basic conclusions, I disagree with their characterizations of the motives behind the Court that heard the caseor the teachers unions who like the outcome.

The radio broadcast of Dr. Dobson can be heard at

While I have not had a chance to listen to the audio yet, you might be interested in hearing the opinions of Law Professor Shaun Martin as the San Diego School of Law. His video opinion can be viewed at The Daily Case Report at


João Workentine said...

An Adventist education is worth a lot!

Jarrod J. Williamson, Ph.D. said...


Yes, I agree. But even our adventist educational institutions have their problems (as they would admit). I taught at an adventist college for a couple of years and it had all the same problems as a public institution. However, it did have one worse problem, many of the students had a sense of entitlement because their father/mother/whatever was an "important" person in the denomination.

When caught cheating on an exam and facing punishment, I actually had one student threaten me with "well, I will just elsewhere and take my tuition money with me."

In fact, the sense of entitlement among students in American SDA institutions is the worst I have faced.

PurpleKoolaid said...

How can you even consider voting for Barack Obama if you are pro-life?

Barack Obama is the most pro-abortion candidate ever.

It doesn't matter how much he changes education, healthcare, taxes etc. if you are dead. 1 million per year in this country murdered while they rest in their mother's wombs. Very sad.

Are most SDA voting for pro-aborts these days? I'm 7th day Sabbath observer and have always respected SDA, but I haven't talked to any in some time (there is no SDA church near my current home). I'm just curious. Thanks.