Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Reflections on the CA Proposition Results

Obviously, good men can differ on how they felt about the propositons put forward by the governor. One such excellent blooger is Matt Heidt at Froggy Ruminations (

I support proposition 73, the prior parental notification if a minor (daughter) is going to get an abortion. I will be blogging about this later, as well as writing an article on my relatively newfound oppositon to abortion. (I used to be pro-choice, but have now moved to being pro-life).

If you read my posts below, CA Propositons 74 and 75 were both unnecessary and actually hurtful, especially propositon 74. That is based on the premise that what is going wrong in public education today is somehow the fault of the educators.

Folks, I don't get to pick my students, nor do I get to dismiss them. Nor can I force them to do their homework and their parents rarely watch over their kids and make them do their homework. If you want to blame a team's poor performance on the coach, you at least give the coach the right to pick his team and get ride of those players who either aren't up to it, or don't give 100%.

Teacher's are not afforded that luxury and until that time, it is rarely the fault of the educator.

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