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Well, the democratic operatives (I'm a democrat) are out in full force doing damage control for Obama after he made the clear innuendo that he was referring to Palin as a pig.
Some commentators are trying to pan off Obama's comments as not being related to the post on the official DNC website which referred to Palin as a pig. After all, they argue, hardly anyone, including Obama, knew about this post.
Problem is, Obama's entire Palin/pig commentary was scripted from prior stolen material. It was stolen word for word from Tom Toles September 5 Washington Post political cartoon.
Here is Obama's commentary:
John McCain says he's about change too. Exce- and and so I guess his whole angle is - watch out, George Bush - except for economic policy, healthcare policy, tax policy, education policy, foreign policy, and Karl-Rove-style politics, we're really gonna shake things up in Washington.
That's not change.
That's that's just callin' sumpin' the same thing somethin' different.
But you know, you can't, you know, you you can put, ah, lipstick on a pig, it's still a pig.
Now here is the cartoon:
Obama's comments were scripted from prior (stolen) material word for word, just like his essentially calling Palin a pig comment.
The Palin/pig post up at the DNC website was dated Aug. 30th, while the cartoon he copied from was dated Sept. 5th. Both are within a week of each other and it is obvious Obama was trolling for ideas from everywhere.
That's why the audience laughed; they knew what was going on.
Problem is, everyone else knows what is going on and now amount of backpeddling or spin is going to change it.
Did Barack Obama refer to Gov. Palin as a pig in the following clip?
Notice that when Obama made the lipstick comment, the audience laughed. If they understood Obama to be referring to "McCain's continued policies of Bush" with no innuendo or double-meaning, the audience would have applauded. But the audience did not applaud, they laughed.
Why did they laugh? Because they found something funny in Obama's lipstick comment. Obama was making a double-meaning, innuendo that compared Palin to a pig, in light of her own self-depricating humor lipstick comment during her speech. It was an inside joke. Why else did the crowd laugh? They knew what was going on.
Do I have any evidence of this? Yes. On the official Democratic Party website, there is a post entitled McCain's Selection of Palin is Lipstick on a Pig. It is dated August 30, 2008, which if after Palin's speech but before Obama's comments. This post compares Governor Palin to a pig.
The post was written in such a way as to try to claim the lipstick on the pig is the "continuation of Bush's failed strategies," yet leave the clear innuendo that they are referring to Gov. Palin as a pig in light of her "lipstick" comment during her RNC Convention speech.
This is why the crowd laughed when Obama madehis lipstick on a pig comment. They all knew what he was referring to, the inside joke as you will. Otherwise, why would they laugh at a "non-joke"?
The text of what they said is below. I am adding emphasis to highlight what I mean.
Palin does not change one single thing of what the Republicans are offering which is four more years of George Bush. All that McCain did was to put lipstick on the Pig (the Bush Administration whose failed strategies have wrecked our nation). Nothing has changed except for an exciting and sexy dash of lipstick to freshen up their tired old face of more of the same.
The same people who do not like the Bush Administration for what it has done to this nation are not going to be fooled by the lipstick on the pig. And it they think that the American public are so stupid that they will rush over now and kiss their pig of a platform because it is wearing a fresh touch of lipstick, well I think they will be surprised.
Economically, the majority of Americans are at the breaking point. Most American families literally cannot stand another four more years of the same.
That is exactly why we had so many Republicans giving testimony at our convention as to why they were crossing over. The message was the same: They simply could no longer afford to vote Republican. Palin does not change that message. She is more of the same. Judging from McCains choice, he seems to think that our Democratic Campaign is built on the purpose of electing the first black man as President. That is not, nor has it ever been the purpose of the Barack Obama campaign.
The purpose and message of Barack Obama's campaign has always been CHANGE and it remains so--to change this country before conservatives totally destroy it with their tax breaks for the wealthy and for coporate America; to rebuild this nation by creating new jobs and restoring worldwide respect for our nation; to unite our country in a common purpose; to end our reliance on fossil fuel in the next 10 years--not to drill for more.
Palin changes nothing in terms of what the Republicans are offering. They are still offering a ticket of more of the same: more tax breaks for the weathy, more disdain for global warming, more war, more disregard for rebuilding our educational system in America, more continued privatization of our nation.
In a way a Palin is a good thing because now we can focus on the real issues. The REAL issues for Americans do not include whether we elect the first black president of our nation or whether we elect the first woman vice president .
Democrats offer change. Republicans offer more of the same.
Palin is a red herring, lipstick on the Republican pig to distract Americans from the real issue that under the leadership of the Republicans the last 8 years, our country is falling apart.
Both Palin and McCain think that Americans are whiners. What do you think? Are you a whiner? Do you want more of the same? If you don't, then get out and register at least 5 people and tell them why they should vote a straight Democratic ticket this year.
Did the post directly call Palin a pig? No. It created a lot of plausible deniability, yet left the strong innuendo that they were referring to her as a pig.
This was the setup, the background understood by the crowd, for Obama's comments.
Was Obama referring to Palin directly as a pig? No, he left plausible deniability. Did he refer to her as a pig in a not too subtle, innuendo, "wink wink, nod nod" sort of way? Yes, he clearly did.
That is why the crowd laughed.
Here are the screenshots from the official DNC website: